Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tour de Shambles

As some of you may know Steve and I have bought my grandparent's house in Walnut Creek. Along with the many perks for buying this house, we also have a lot of work ahead of us. It's an older home that has not been updated. What we like about the house is that it's big, has a huge yard and has a unique style. See Eichler. We could potentially have a house like The Incredibles! We thought we would share our home remodeling adventures because we have no idea what we are doing but we think it will be fun or could potentially be a train wreck. Please feel free to leave us comments and advice, we could use both! So without further ado, let the renovations begin...


  1. Wow, you guys have your work cut out for you! Next time we need a new tool, forget Ace we're coming to your house!

  2. Love it Maruche!! I need to send you pics of our new place.
